Saturday, January 31, 2015

BytaFont Tweak Mode

I've had a lot of people coming to me because they're unsure of how to use BytaFont Tweak Mode,
how to install it, or where to place the fonts.
Here I will include a tutorial for you all that haven't quite figured it out yet.

Step 1: Go into Cydia and download "BytaFont Tweak Mode."
Step 2: In Cydia, look for the tab "Sources," select "All Sources" at the top,
the proceed to "Fonts (BytaFont Tweak Mode)." *If you can't see it, try refreshing
your Cydia sources*
Step 3: Download one of those fonts.
Step 4: If you have found/purchased a BytaFont Tweak Mode font from
someone's blog (there are quite a few free ones, even on my blog), once it's downloaded and opened
in iFile, Cut the folder of the font and back all the way out until all you see is " / "
Step 5: Go to the path /Library/BytaFont. This is where you will paste the font.
Step 6: Open BytaFont.
Step 7: At the bottom, look for the "Tweak Mode" tab. Click on it.
Step 8: Set your font. For example, If you downloaded SD Covered By Your Grace 
(freebie on my blog), under Base Config, you will select Regular, choose SD Covered By
Your Grace, then select Regular.ttf.
Step 9: Continue doing step 8 for Bold and Italic.
Step 10: Once done, make sure the tweak is enabled and respring.

If you have any other questions, feel free to KIK me: _lifewithaiden,
or send me an email:

I really hope this was helpful for those of you using BTM for the first time!


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